Spinal Decompression
KDT Spinal Decompression Therapy uses simple, yet sophisticated equipment manufactured by Mir-com Products, LLC. KDT Spinal Decompression is a leading non-surgical alternative for the treatment of back pain, neck pain, and spinal pain due to:
- Bulging and Herniated discs
- Degenerative disc disease
- Facet syndrome
- Failed back surgery
- Sciatic nerve
- Spinal stenosis
- Degenerative Arthritis
Without the use of:
- Drugs
- Injections
- Surgery
How does it work?
KDT Spinal Decompression slowly lengthens and decompresses the spine, taking damaging pressure off the discs. This reversal of pressure creates an intradiscal vacuum that helps to re-position bulging discs and pull extruded disc material back into place, taking pressure off pinched nerves. Spinal experts believe that nutrients, oxygen, and fluids are drawn into the disc to create a revitalized environment conducive to healing.
At the beginning of each session, you will be comfortably fitted with a specialized harness. As a session commences, you will notice a slow lengthening in your spine as your discs are gradually decompressed and relieved of pressure
The treatment process is safe and relaxing. While some patients with extensively injured discs have reported mild discomfort during the first few treatment sessions, their discomfort subsides upon subsequent visits as the discs are relieved of pressure.
Treatment sessions typically last less than 20 minutes and most patients feel pain relief with as few as 6-10 treatments. It is important to remember however, that pain subsiding does not infer that your discs and spine are healed, so it is critical that patients stick with the treatment protocol prescribed by their practitioners in order to achieve the full value of KDT Spinal Decompression Therapy.
Can I just hang upside-down?
KDT Spinal Decompression Therapy is not to be confused with linear traction. Such devices like inversion tables and older, less sophisticated traction devices do not take the patient’s muscles into account. Normally, pulls exerted on the spine trigger sensory receptors in the back to tighten the muscles surrounding the vertebrae and discs in an effort to protect them from injury – a process known as the “muscle guarding reflex”. KDT Therapy bypasses this response by using automated computer assisted sessions that cycle the patient through a series of gentle pulls, holds and releases over an extended period of time. This allows the spine to be re-positioned without tension and without setting off muscle tightening effects from the “muscle guarding”.
Don’t Risk Surgery
KDT Spinal decompression Therapy has saved many people from spinal surgery. If you are suffering from a degenerated disc or herniated disc, do not risk surgery until you have explored safe and effective spinal decompression.
KDT Therapy is a pain-free alternative that has shown a very high rate of success at reducing or even eliminating back and neck pain. If you suffer from chronic, debilitating, low back or neck pain, you owe it to yourself to call our Office today to make an appointment to see if you are a candidate for KDT Spinal Decompression Therapy.